22 de novembro de 2012

The Holiday Season (I)

 Thanksgiving Day (22/11/2012) : One of the best holidays of the year!

Ricardo W Carrano
Carolina do Sul  - USA

    There are only 7 official federal holidays in the USA:
     January 1st:  New Year’s Day
     May 29th     :  Memorial Day
     July 4th        :  Independence Day
     The 1st Monday of September: Labor Day
     Thanksgiving Day and day after: The fourth Thursday and Friday of November
     December 25th: Christmas Day

     Depending on where you live or where you work, you might get a few more holidays but this isn’t mandatory.

     For instance: In Columbia, South Carolina where I worked for almost three years, January 17th is a city holiday because   is the MLK (Martin Luther King Day) but is considered an observed holiday, which means it depends on the   state or the city to decide, as opposed to Greenville SC where the MLK Day is celebrated but only schools have  the day-off and company employees go to work.

     Good Friday is another good example. The Company I work for (Trendset Information Systems, Project Coordinator)    grants it employees with this particular holiday in April, but just because the owners are probably good catholic folks   and want to be out of work as well as its employees in the day Jesus Christ passed.

      But Thanksgiving is for Americans as important as Christmas. Millions of people travelling to be with their families   and because that of willing to deal with the inevitable complications of travelling by car and/or by airplane in most places.

      This traditional day is a celebration that was established in the 1600’s when the first pilgrims, most of them coming from    the old Ireland to find in this land of America freedom of religion. And, I a given day in November, they gathered with  the Indians to have a big feast to celebrate friendship and prosperity for all.

      Well, just like Christmas this holliday is also used as well for many different reasons, despite the fact that    the initial intention was different, because this is also something that we all know : That initital idea it didn’t end    well neither for the pillgrims nor for the Indians. But, everybody cooks and eat a lot (that’s is the idea, I suppose)    the traditional foods.
       As of today, as see millions of people on the road and airports across the country there is also a lot of business going on.

        I mean… a lot of hot and big business!

       Thanksgiving Day is for families but the day after Thanksgiving which is called “Black Friday” is a day of shopping and spending.


 Just because starting at midnight until about 10 o’clock in the morning you may find big discounts in stores. But as time goes by   this is also another “tradition” that has been changed due to the fact that right now the stores may also advertise and sell its   products on line and, it really doesn’t matter whether you are in a hang over or even outside of the USA if you want to buy a   big TV set or a GPS or an I-bla-bla the day after thanksgiving. All you need is a credit card, that’s all.


  In this world of madness, tradition, shopping, travelling and whatever, there is the undisputable true fact that I and my beautiful wife will be at home, just like millions, enjoying the days off just like millions we will have our Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant, because do not want to cook just like millions of ordinary americans, but we may buy a new     dishwasher machine online and some Cd’s, like many other americans. so… Happy Thanksgiving!       

P.S: This post was written in English due to a suggestion of this Blog Manager, my beloved cousin Jorge Carrano. Thanks!

10 comentários:

Freddy disse...

January 1st...
Carrano, is it the right time to post it?

<:o) Freddy

Jorge Carrano disse...

Hoje é comemorado, nos EEUU o "Thanksgiving day", que faz parte da "holiday season".
Teu post, sobre 1º de janeiro, está programado para antes do recesso do blog.

Freddy disse...

Eu sei, eu mesmo havia lhe pedido.
É que este post começa com a relação de feriados oficiais nos EUA e eu me lembrei que eu faço parte dessa coisa toda!
Foi só uma piada!

A propósito de peru, que é o prato principal do ThanksGiving, o que me dizem sobre a piada de que cortam o rabo da ave antes de colocá-la no forno?

Anônimo disse...

Já me matriculei no Wise Up. Dentro de dois anos volto a comentar.

Jorge Carrano disse...

Se você não conseguiu entender este texto, então não serão dois anos de WiseUp que resolverão seu problema. O caso é mais grave.E não adianta tentar o Yázigi ou o CCAA, dará no mesmo.

Jorge Carrano disse...

Black friday
Veja caro primo, a notícia publicada em globo.com ainda há pouco:
"Antigamente, o Dia de Ação de Graças era levado mais a sério: todo o comércio fechava. As famílias se reuniam em torno de um peru assado para agradecer pelo que tinham, e só no dia seguinte corriam para aproveitar as promoções da sexta-feira negra e comprar o que ainda não tinham.
Essa era a tradição, mas tudo está mudando. A concorrência obriga muitas lojas a abrir na própria quinta-feira, algumas oferecendo 80% de desconto. Muitos consumidores estão indo direto da ceia para as compras."

Riv4 disse...

Ricardo, just a curiosity : what kind of CDs will you buy ?

TETRAcolours Regards


Freddy disse...

Notícias da Black Friday no Brasil, para serem comparadas com as dos EUA: Procon-SP afirma que Fast Shop, Extra, Wal-Mart, Ponto Frio e Magazine Luíza ainda discutem como pagar as multas recebidas no ano passado por ludibriar consumidores com falsas promoções e já reincidem hoje na falcatrua, com o acréscimo de Americanas e Submarino.
Isto é Brasil !!

Ricardo disse...

That's is correct. About 4 years ago the stores started opening Thanksgiving day about midnight and there is even some opening about 10 PM Thankgiving day. As the technology evolves, and this is an undisputable fact products may also be purchased in the "On line Back Friday Sale" and there is also another online only sale in the Monday after Thanksgiving which is called "Ciber Monday", in other words if you are used to online shopping you don't really need to leave the confort of your house and be in the midle of the madness and the crowd to buy what you want on Back Friday. Thanks!

Gusmão disse...

Lembro de uma piada antiga, da época do politicamente incorreto.
Consta que quando ouviu a notícia de que era o dia de ação de graça, o judeu correu para a Bolsa de Valores.