6 de maio de 2013

Romeo & Juliet cupcakes


Erika France


It was my friend Danielle's birthday a couple of weeks ago and I made these mini cupcakes for her. As the filling I used is a bit exotic to some countries I was unsure whether I should post it here. But then again I'm always drooling over recipes whose ingredients are not easily available to me so...
The combination of polenta and guava may seem odd at first but, believe me, they go incredibly well together. And the cream cheese on the top adds just the right amount of richness.

100g unsalted butter, softened
4 eggs
500g caster sugar
350g plain yoghurt
320g polenta
125g flour
1 tbsp baking powder

guava paste
cream cheese, softened

Preheat oven to 180oC and line your cupcake tins with paper cups.
In the bowl of a stand mixer cream together sugar, butter and eggs. Add the remaining ingredients and combine. Pour batter into the cups and bake for about 20 minutes.
After the cupcakes have cooled, core them and fill with the guava paste, melted with a little water to achieve a creamier consistency. Put the lids back on and top them with a swirl of cream cheese.

NOTES: Guava jelly can be used instead of guava paste. I usually melt the guava paste in the microwave oven and then add water little by little until it reaches the desired consistency.

I have recently found out that egg cartons are perfect for transporting mini cupcakes!

3 comentários:

Gusmão disse...

Estou comendo com os olhos.

Jorge Carrano disse...

Porque quer, Gusmão. Você pode tentar encomendar estas e outras delícias encontráveis no blog http://teawitherika.wordpress.com/

Aliás deixo aqui um recado para a autora: Erika, se você "estiver na linha" informa como é possível fazer contato com você para consultas.

Helga Maria disse...

Se eu morasse em Niterói certamente iria pedir uma degustação. Mas acho que entrega via SEDEX não dará certo